Process Analysis Toolkit  (PAT) 3.5 Help Process Definitions

A process is defined as an equation in the following syntax,

P(x1, x2, ..., xn) = Exp;

where P is the process name, x1, ..., xn is an optional list of process parameters and Exp is a process expression. The process expression determines the computational logic of the process. A process without parameters is written either as P() or P. A defined process may be referenced by its name (with the valuations of the parameters). Process referencing allows a flexible form of recursion.


The deadlock process is written as follows,


The process does absolutely nothing.

The process which terminates immediately is written as follows,


The process terminates and then behaves exactly the same as Stop.

Event prefixing

A simple event is a name for representing an observation. Given a process P, the following describes a process which performs e first and then behaves as specified by process P.

e -> P

where e is an event. An event is the abstraction of an observation. Event prefixing is a common construct for describing systems. The following describes a simple vending machine which takes in a coin and dispatches a coffee every time.

VM() = insertcoin -> coffee -> VM();

Where event insertcoin models the event of inserting a coin into the machine and event coffee models the event of getting coffee out of the machine. An event may be in a compound form, e.g., x.exp1.exp2 where x is a name and exp1 and exp2 are expressions which are composed variables (e.g., process parameters, channel input variables or global variables). For instance,

Phil(i) = get.i.(i + 1)%N -> Rest();

where i is a parameter of the process. We remark event expressions which contains global variables, though allowed, may result in runtime exception if combined with alphabetized parallel composition. Refer to parallel composition for details.  

Note: event name is an arbitrary string of form ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'|'_')*. However, global variable names, global constant names, process names, process parameter names, propositions names can not be used as event name. One exception is the channel names are allowed, because we may want to use channel name in a specific process to simulate the channel behaviors and use refinement checking to compare with real channel events.

Statement Block inside Events (aka Data Operations)

An event can be attached with assignments which update global variables as in the following example,

add{x = x+1;} -> Stop;

where x is a global variable.

In general, an event may be attached with a statement block of a sequential program (which may contain local variables, if-then-else, while, math function etc.). This kind of event-prefix process is called data operation in PAT. The exact syntax of the statements can be found in Grammar Rules. Notice that the sequential program is considered as an atomic action. That is, no interleaving of other processes before the sequential program finishes. In other words, once started, the sequential program continues to execute until it finished without being interrupted. From another point of view, the event can be viewed as a labeled piece of code. The event name is used for constructing meaningful counterexamples (or associating fairness with the code, as discussed below). For instance, the following process can be used to find the maximum value of a given array.

  • var array = [0,2,4,7,1,3];
  • var max = -1;
  • P() = findmax{
  •                 var index = 0;
  •                 while (index < 6) {
  •                         if (max < array[index]) {
  •                             max = array[index];
  •                         }
  •                         index = index+1;
            } -> P();

Note: both global variable (e.g., array, max) and local variables (e.g., index) are allowed to be used and updated in the sequential program. While process arguments and channel input variables can only be used without being updated. The scope of the local variable is only inside the sequential program and starts from the place of declaration. PAT does not support process level local variables so that there is no need to maintain a changing heap/stack to gain the efficiency. Alternatively, process level local variables can be modeled using global variables easily.

Note: Data operation supports local variable array, assume the following process is valid in PAT:

            event {var array[5];} -> Process

where local variable array's(here is the array) elements are initialized to zero.

Note: the semi-colon in the last expression in the statement block is optional for the simplicity of modeling.

Note: PAT supports two assignment syntax sugars ++, --. x++ is same as x=x+1. y-- is same as y = y-1. y=x++ is same as x = x +1; y = x;. There is no support for other shorthands, such as ++b , --b , b *= 2 , b += a , etc. Where needed, their effect can be reproduced by using the non-shortened equivalents. The following example shows the usage of ++ and --, where the final values of x and y are both 3.

var x = 2;

var y;
      P() = add{x++;} -> minus{x--;} -> event{y=x++;} -> Skip;

Invisible Events

User can explicitly write invisible event (i.e., tau event) by using keyword tau, e.g., tau -> Stop. In the tau event, statement block can still be attached. With the support of tau event, you can avoid using hiding operator to explicitly hide some visible events by name them tau events. The second way to write an invisible event is to skip the event name of a statement block, e.g., {x=x+1;} -> Stop, which is equivalent to tau{x=x+1;} -> Stop.

Channel output/input

Processes may communicate through channels. Channel input/output is written in a similar way as simple event prefixing. Let P be a process expression.

c!a.b -> P                          -- channel output

c?x.y -> P                         -- channel input

c?1 -> P                            -- channel input with expected value

c?[x+y+9>10]x.y-> P      -- channel input with guard expression

Where c is a channel, a and b are expressions which evaluates to values (at run time), while x and y are (local) variables which take the input values. A channel must be declared before it is used. For channel output, the compound value evaluated from both a and b is stored in the channel buffer (FIFO queue) if the buffer is not full yet. If the buffer is full, the process waits. For channel input c?x.y, the top element on the buffer is retrieved and then assigned to local free variables x and y if the buffer is not empty. Otherwise, it waits. For channel input c?1, the top element on the buffer is retrieved if the buffer is not empty and the top element value is 1. Otherwise, it waits. For channel input c?[x+y+9>10]x.y, the top element on the buffer is retrieved and then assigned to local free variable x and y if the buffer is not empty, and the guard condition x+y+9>10 is true. Otherwise, it waits. Note that in channel input, you can write expressions after c?, but the expressions can not contain any global variables. You can put arbitrary number of variables/expressions in the channel output/input by separating them using '.'. The following example demonstrates how channel communication is used.

channel c 1;

Sender(i) = c!i -> Sender(i);
      Receiver() = c?x -> a.x -> Receiver();

System() = Sender(5) ||| Receiver();

PAT supports synchronous channel communication, i.e., the channel output and its matching channel input are engaged together. The synchronous channel event will be displayed as c.exp for channel output c!exp and channel input c?x.  To do synchronous channel communication, simply set the size of the channel to be 0. All the channel communications for non-zero channel are asynchronous.

Channel communication can also attach program for both synchronous and asynchronous channel.

channel c 0; //or channel c 1;
      var x = 1;

P = c!x{ x = 2 } -> P;
      Q = c?y{ x = y; } -> Q;
      A = P ||| Q;

For the example above, the execution sequence is c!x -> (x = 2) -> c?y -> (x = y).

Note: Channel input variables' scope is after the channel input event and within residing process. They can be referenced in the scope, but not updated.

Note: Parameter variables can be used in the expressions of channel input, e.g., P(i) = c?i.i+1 -> Skip. In this case, once the value of parameter i is known, i and i+1 will be instantiated to constants, so that only matching channel output data will be received. Furthermore, local free variable in channel input can also be used in follow-up channel input's expressions. e.g., P() = c!5 -> c?x -> c!6 -> c?x+1 -> Skip; In this case, x is 5 and P can execute to Skip. Global variables CAN NOT be used in channel input expressions!

PAT also support channel arrays, which is a syntax suger to make the modeling easier if the channels are parameterized. The following syntax demonstrates how to use the channel array.

channel c[3] 1;

Sender(i) = c[i]!i -> Sender(i);
      Receiver() = c[0]?x -> a.x -> Receiver() [] c[1]?x -> a.x -> Receiver() [] c[2]?x -> a.x -> Receiver();

System() =  (||| i:{0..2}@Sender(i) ) ||| Receiver();

Note: Two or N dimentional channel array can be simulated by using 1 dimentional channel array. Hence, we don't provide syntax support for that. For example channel c[3][5] 1 is same as channel c[15] 1, and c[2][3]!4 -> Skip is same as c[2*N+3]!4 -> Skip, where N is the first dimention.


Channel operations

PAT provides 5 channel operations to query the buffer information of asynchronous channels: cfull, cempty, ccount, csize, cpeek. The usage of these operations follows the normal static method call, i.e., call(channel_operation, channel_name). The meaning of each operation is explained below.

  • cfull: a boolean function to test whether the an asynchronous channel is full or not. e.g. call(cfull, c).
  • cempty: a boolean function to test whether the an asynchronous channel is empty or not. e.g. call(cempty, c).
  • ccount: an integer function to return the number of elements in the buffer of an asynchronous channel. e.g. call(ccount, c).
  • csize: an integer function to return the buffer size of an asynchronous channel. e.g. call(cfull, c).
  • cpeek: return the first element of an asynchronous channel. e.g. call(cpeek, c).

Note: Parsing error message will be poped up if these operations are applied to a synchronous channel.

Note: Run time exception will be thrown if trying to cpeek an empty buffer.

Sequential composition

A sequential composition is written as,

P; Q

where P and Q are processes. In this process, P starts first and Q starts only when P has finished.

General/External/Internal choice

In PAT (as in CSP), we distinguish among general choice, external choice and internal choice. General choice is resolved by any event. A general choice is written as follows, 

P [] Q

The choice operator [] states that either P or Q may execute. If P performs an event first, then P takes control. Otherwise, Q takes control. Notice that the semantic is a bit different from the external choice below.

External choice is resolved by the environment, e.g., the observation of a visible event (i.e., not tau event). Notice that if the first event of both P and Q is visible, then P[]Q and P[*]Q are equivalent. An external choice is written as follows,

P [*] Q

The choice operator [*] states that either P or Q may execute. If P performs a visible event first, then P takes control. If Q performs a visible event first, then Q takes control. Otherwise, the choice remains.

Internal choice introduces non-determinism explicitly. The following models an internal choice,

P <> Q

where either P or Q may execute. The choice is made internally and non-deterministically. Non-determinism is largely undesirable at design or implementation stage, whereas it is useful at modeling stage for hiding irrelevant information. For instance, it can be used to model the behaviors of a black-box procedure, where the exact details of the implementation are not available.

The generalized form of general/external/internal choice is written as,

[] x:{1..n}@ P(x)                                -- which is equivalent to P(1) [] ... [] P(n)

[*] x:{1..n}@ P(x)                                -- which is equivalent to P(1) [*] ... [*] P(n)

<> x:{1..n}@ P(x)                             -- which is equivalent to P(1) <> ... <> P(n)

Conditional Choice

A choice may depend on a Boolean expression which in turn depends on the valuations of the variables. In PAT, we support the classic if-then-else as follows,

if (cond) { P } else { Q }

if (cond1) { P } else if (cond2) { Q }  else { M }

where cond is a Boolean formula. If cond evaluates to true, the P executes, otherwise Q executes. Notice that the else-part is optional. The process if(false) {P} behaves exactly as process Skip.

PAT also provides atomic conditional choices, which perform the condition checking and first operation of P/Q together. This allows users to simulate CAS operator in distributed systems. The syntax is following:

ifa (cond) { P } else { Q }

PAT provides blocking conditional choices, which are similar to guarded process. The only difference is that the checking of blocking condition and the execution of P are separated in ifb. The syntax is following. Note that there is no else in ifb.

ifb (cond) { P } 

Note: Side effect (i.e., update of the variable value) is not allowed in if condition (similarly for guarded process and case process below). This restriction is mainly for using C# code in if condition. For example, a Boolean method isEmpty of a user defined list variable returns a false and also adds an element to the list. We add this restriction is purely for performance reason. If you really want to achieve this effect, you can put the method call in an event prefix, and store the returned value in a global Boolean variable. The global variable can then be used in the if condition then.


A generalized form of conditional choice is written as,

  • case {
  •     cond1: P1
  •     cond2: P2
  •     default: P
  • }

where case is a key word and cond1, cond2 are Boolean expressions. if cond1 is true, then P1 executes. Otherwise, if cond2 is true, then P2. And if cond1 and cond2 are both false, then P executes by default. The condition is evaluated one by one until a true one is found. In case no condition is true, the default process will be executed. 

Guarded process

A guarded process only executes when its guard condition is satisfied. In PAT, a guard process is written as follows,

[cond] P

where cond is a Boolean formula and P is a process. If cond is true, P executes. Notice that different from conditional choice, if cond is false, the whole process will wait until cond is true and then P executes. 


Two processes which run concurrently without barrier synchronization written as,

P ||| Q

where ||| denotes interleaving. Both P and Q may perform their local actions without synchronizing with each other except termination events. If one process generates termination event, this termination event cannot executed directly unless all processes are emitting a termination event. For example the following process will deadlock due to this constraint.

          Skip ||| Stop

Notice that P and Q can still communicate via shared variables or channels. The generalized form of interleaving is written as,

||| x:{0..n} @ P(x)

PAT supports grouped interleaving processes or even infinite number of processes running interleavingly, similarly, for parallel composition and internal/external choices. All the syntaxes below are valid.

||| {50} @ P(); //50 P() running interleavingly.

|| {..} @ Q(); //infinite number of Q() running in parallel.

[] x:{0..2}  @  ( (||| {x} @ P) ||| (||| {x} @ Q()); // this is equivalent to (Skip|||Skip)[]((||| {1} @P()) ||| (||| {1} @Q()) ) [] ((||| {2} @P()) |||(||| {2} @Q()));

Note: ||| {0} @ P() is same as Skip.

Note: Looping variables can also be used in the process inside as process parameter. For example, the following definitions are all valid in PAT.

||| x:{0..3} @ (a.x -> Skip)
      || x:{0..3} @ (a.x -> Skip \ {a.x})
      [] x:{0..3} @ (ch!x -> Skip)

Note: in grouped processes, e.g., []x:{0..n}@P or ||| {0} @ P() , n can be a global constant or process parameter, but not a global variable. We make this restriction for the performance reason. For example, the following definitions are all valid in PAT.

#define n 10;  |||x:{0..n}@P;
      P(n) =

Parallel composition

Parallel composition of two processes with barrier synchronization is written as,

P || Q

where || denotes parallel composition. Different from interleaving, P and Q may perform lock-step synchronization, i.e., P and Q simultaneously perform an event. For instance, if P is a -> c -> Stop and Q is c -> Stop, because c is both in the alphabet of P and Q, it becomes a synchronization barrier. Therefore, at the beginning, only a can be engaged. After that, c is engaged by P and Q at the exactly same time. In general, all events which are in both P and Q's alphabets must be synchronized. Notice that, which events are synchronization barriers depends on the alphabets of P and Q. In order to know what are the enabled actions, we therefore must first calculate the alphabets.

In tools like FDR, the shared alphabet of a parallel composition must be explicitly given. In PAT, however, we have a procedure to automatically calculate alphabets. The alphabet of a process is the set of events that the process takes part in. For instance, given the process defined as follows,

VM() = insertcoin -> coffee -> VM();

The alphabet of VM() is exactly the set of events which constitute the process expression, i.e., {insertcoin, coffee}. However, calculating the alphabet of a process is not always trivial. It may be complicated by two things. One is process referencing. The other is process parameters. In the above example, the process reference VM() happens to be the same as the process whose alphabet is being calculated. Thus, it is not necessarily to unfold VM() again. Should a different process is referenced, we must unfold that process and get its alphabet. For instance, assume VM() is now defined as follows,

VM() = insertcoin -> Inserted();
      Inserted() = coffee -> VM();

To calculate the alphabet of VM(), we must unfold process Inserted() and combine alphabets of Inserted() with {insertcoin}. Notice that a simple procedure must be used to prevent unfolding the same process again. However, even with such a procedure, it may still be infeasible to calculate mechanically the alphabet of a process. The complexity is due to process parameters. For instance, given the following process,

P(i) = a.i -> P(i+1);

Naturally, the unfolding is non-terminating. In general, there is no way to solve this problem. Therefore, PAT offers two compromising ways to get the alphabets. One is to use a reasonably simple procedure to calculate a default alphabet of a process. When the default alphabet is not as expected, an advanced user is allowed to define the alphabet of a process manually. We detail the former in the following.

First of all, alphabet of processes are calculated only when it is necessary, which means, only when a parallel composition is evaluated. This saves a lot of computational overhead. Processes in a large number of models only communicate through shared variables. If no parallel composition is present, there is no need to evaluate alphabets. We remark that when there is no shared abstract events, process P ||| Q and P || Q are exactly the same. Therefore, we recommend ||| when appropriate. When a parallel composition is evaluated for the first time, the default alphabet of each sub-process is calculated (if not manually defined). The procedure for calculating the default alphabet works by retrieving all event constituting the process expression and unfolding every newly-met process reference. It throws an exception if a process reference is met twice with different parameters (which probably indicates the unfolding is non-terminating). In such a case, PAT expects the user to specify the alphabet of a process using the following syntax,

#alphabet P {...};

where P is process name and {...} is the set of events which is considered its alphabet. Notice that the event expressions may contain variables. The rules is that if process P(X) is defined, you may have alphabet definitions as follows,

#alphabet P {a.X};

Once the alphabets of P and Q are identified, we calculate their intersection. If P is ready to perform an event which is not in the intersection, it may simply proceed, so does Q. If P is ready to perform an event in the intersection, it has to wait until Q is also ready to perform this event and then proceed together.

Remarks: Data operations (i.e. the events attached with programs) are not counted in the calculation of alphabets to avoid data race on updating same global variables. The detailed explanation and examples are available here (Question 3).

Remarks: If process P is expected to have different alphabets in different places in the specification, a dummy may be defined to associate different alphabet with the same process.

Q1() = P();
      #alphabet Q1 {x};
      Q2() = P();
      #alphabet Q2 {y};

The philosophy is that we see both the process expression and alphabet as signatures of a process (i.e., processes with the same process expression but different alphabets are essentially different processes!).

The generalized parallel composition is written as,

|| x:{0..n} @ P(x);

The alphabet of each P(x) is calculated. An event can be engaged if and only if all processes whose alphabet contains this event are ready to perform it. 

Remarks: The syntax sugar indexed event list can be used in the definition of alphabets. For example: 

#define N 2;
      P = e.0.0 -> e.0.1 -> e.0.2 -> turns -> e.1.0 -> e.1.1 -> e.1.2 -> e.2.0 -> e.2.1 -> e.2.2 -> P;
#alphabet P { x:{0..N}; y:{0..N} @ e.x.y };

The above definitions define the alphabet of process P as the set of all events except event turns appearing in its proces definition.


Process interrupt Q behaves as specified by P until the first visible event of Q is engaged which could be at any execution point of process P, and then the control transfers to Q. An execution trace of process interrupt Q is just a trace of P up to an arbitrary point when the interrupt occurs, followed by any trace of Q.
      The following is an example,

  • Err() = exception -> Err();
  • Routine() = routine -> Routine();
  • ExceptionHandling()  = Routine() interrupt exception -> ExceptionHandling() ;
  • System = Err() || ExceptionHandling();

where Routine() is a process which performs normal daily task, Err() is a process modeling errors happened in the environment and ExceptionHandling() is a process which performs necessary actions for error handling. For System, whenever an exception occurs (modeled as event exception), process ExceptionHandling() takes the control over.

Note: For process P interrupt Q, the interrupting event from Q must be a visible event (not tau). If a tau event is detected, a runtime exception will be thrown.


Process P \ A where A is a set of events turns events in A to invisible ones. Hiding is applied when only certain events are interested. Hiding may be used to introduce non-determinism. The following is an example,

dashPhil() = Phil() \ {getfork.1, getfork.2, putfork.1, putfork.2};
      Phil() = getfork.1 -> getfork.2 -> eat -> putfork.1 -> putfork.2 -> Phil();

where process Phil() specifies a philosopher who gets two forks in order and then eats and then puts down both forks in the same order. Process dashPhil(), however, hides the events of getting up or putting down the forks. We can imagine that the philosopher is so quick that no one can tell how he gets the forks. People can only tell when he is eating. By hiding those events, the rest of the system can not observe those hidden events. We remark that hiding is often used to prevent unwanted synchronization in parallel composition. 

Note: The syntax sugar indexed event list can be used for defining a set of events with the same prefix. For example, the definition for process dashPhil() can be rewritten as the following.

dashPhil() = Phil() \ { x:{1..2} @ getfork.x, y:{1..2} @  putfork.y} ;

Atomic Process

The keyword atomic allows user to associate higher priority with a process, i.e., if the process has an enabled event, the event will execute before any events from non-atomic processes. The syntax is atomic{P}, where P is any process definition.

If a sequence of statements is enclosed in parentheses and prefixed with the keyword atomic, this indicates that the sequence is to be executed as one super-step, not to be interleaved by other processes. In the interleaving of process executions, no other process can execute statements from the moment that an event in an atomic process is enabled until the last enabled one has completed. The sequence can contain arbitrary process statements, and may be non-deterministic. Once an atomic process is enabled, it immeidately gains a higher priority. It continues to execute until it is disabled. Once all atomic processes are enabled, other non-atomic processes are then allowed to execute. If multiple atomic processes are enabled, then they interleave each other. In the following example, process P  and Q will interleave each other, whereas W will excute only after event c and f have occurred.

channel ch 0;
      P = atomic { a -> ch!0 -> b -> c -> Skip};
      Q = atomic { d -> ch?0 -> e -> f -> Skip};

W = g -> Skip
      Sys = P ||| Q ||| W;

Note: Since PAT 3.4.2, the semantics of atomic process changed a little bit. In the example below, before PAT 3.4.2, event a and d are enabled at the same time when process Sys starts. In PAT 3.4.2, only d is enabled because enabled atomic process has higher priority than enabled events. This change allows us to use atomic consistently in CSP module and RTS module.

P = a -> atomic { b -> c -> Skip};
      Q = atomic { d -> e -> f -> Skip};
     Sys = P ||| Q;

Note: atomic sequences can be used for state reduction for model checking, especially if the process is composed with other processes in parallel. The number of states may be reduced exponentially. In a way, by using atomicwe may partial order reduction manually (without computational overhead). The general rule is that local events which are invisible to the verifying property and independent to other events shall be associated with higher priority. 

Note: an atomic process inside other atomic process has no effect at all.


Recursion is achieved through process referencing flexibly. The following process contains mutual recursion.

P(i) = a.i -> Q(i);
      Q(i) = b.i -> P(i);
     System() = P(1) || Q(2);

Note: when invoking a process, the parameters can be any valid expression, e.g. P(x), P(x+1), P(new List()). Only when the process parameter is used as user defined types, it is user's responsibility to make sure that the correct variable type is passed in since most of PAT modules don't have explicit types. See the example below.

         #import "PAT.Lib.Set";
               var<Set> set1;
               Q() = P(set1);
               P(i) = initialize{i.Add(1);}-> ([i.GetSize() > 0] Skip);

Warning: when user defined data structure is used as parameter, if the parameter in the process updates the data structure, the verification/simulation maybe wrong and un-expected. For instance the following example, i is an object used in both branch of the choice operator, so the effect of executing add1 will stay even the actual branch selected is add2. In the simulator, you will find that after executing event add2, the value of set1 can become [1,2]. The root of this cause is the pointer problem.

         #import "PAT.Lib.Set";
               var<Set> set1;
               Q() = P(set1);
               P(i) = add1{i.Add(1);} -> Skip [] add2{i.Add(2);} -> Skip;

It is straightforward to use process reference to realize common iterative procedures. For instance, the following process behaves exactly as while (cond) {P()};

Q() = if (cond) {P(); Q()};

Assertion process allows user to add an assertion in the program. PAT simulator and verifiers will check the assertion at run time. If the assertion is failed, a PAT runtime exception will be thrown to the user and the evaluation is stoped. The syntax of Assertion is as follows,

var x = 1;
      P = assert(x > 0); e{x = x-1;} -> P;

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